The Chinese Potral for the German Market
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We provide our customers with the core competencies for being successful in the German market. Therefor we support our customers in all points and questions around the onboarding process to the German market and in every stage during the the complete Lifecycle of the Market Entrance and Market Maturity Phase. These are:

    • Market Entrance
    • Business Etiquette
    • Hosting your Chinese Office
      • in our Facilities
      • in your Facilities
    • Support of your Business Network
    • Business Consulting
    • Legal Consulting
    • Tax Services
    • Recriutment Services
    • Financial Services
Consulting of Market Entrance in Germany
Learn about Germany Business Etiquettte
Hosting of the Chinese Representation in Germany
Manage the Chinese own Representation/Location
Support Buisness Network in Germany
Business Consulting
Legal Services
Tax Services
Recriutment Service
Financial Services

Value Proposition
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